We solve serious CRA tax problems

A Canadian Tax Guide For Cryptocurrencies


Before we can get into how cryptocurrencies are taxed in Canada, we have to understand a bit about what cryptocurrencies are, how they are created, and how they can be used.  This guide will start by providing an overview of what cryptocurrencies are, how they are created and used, and finally, how they are taxed in Canada.  

What are Cryptocurrencies?

Speaking formally, a cryptocurrency is a system that meets six specific conditions.  These conditions include the use of a distributed consensus rather than a central authority, the need to have an overview of the currency and its ownership, controls over how new units can be created and how to determine ownership of the newly created units, that ownership can only be proven cryptographically, that transactions can be performed and ownership of the units transferred, and a failsafe that only allows one change of ownership of the same unit over conflicting attempts of exchange.  This is highly technical, so let us consider a more layman’s definition.

Cryptocurrencies are essentially digital assets that are designed to work as a medium of exchange, like money. They are digital items that, for one reason or another, are assigned value.  Unlike money issued by a government, there is little economic activity or tangible backing up the value of a cryptocurrency.  The reason they are called “crypto” is that strong cryptography – or in other words, a strong computer code – is used to make the transaction secure.  Not only is cryptography used to make transactions secure, but the same cryptography is used to control the “creation” or “mining” or new digital coins as well as to verify the transfer of ownership of new and existing coins.

Cryptocurrencies, though mediums of exchange like money, are not money. They don’t have a physical expression in the world, and, unlike money, they are not issued by a central authority or government.  This doesn’t mean that cryptocurrencies are not, in some cases, centralized. If a currency has a centralized crypto exchange, then it is considered a centralized cryptocurrency.  Because they are decentralized in production and monitoring, the entire cryptocurrency system, as a collective, produces new units at a set rate and monitors the system. No one person is in control. This set production rate is defined when the particular cryptocurrency system is created, and the rate is public knowledge.  Most of the systems are limited in that they are designed to reduce the production of new units over time until some upper limit is reached.

How do you know that what you have in your digital wallet is a real unit of a cryptocurrency?  A blockchain is what provides for a cryptocurrency’s validity.  But what is a blockchain? A continuously growing list of records, or blocks, that are linked together and made secure using cryptography is what is called a “blockchain”.  Usually, each block, or records, contains a timestamp, transaction data, and a point to the previous block. This design makes blockchains highly resistant to modification, making the data that is recorded trustworthy, verifiable, and permanent.  Copies of these blocks are maintained and verified by the community using a peer-to-peer network that follows pre-set protocols for validating the blocks.  In technical terms, blockchains are an example of a distributed computing system that is public, and it is this decentralized and public nature of the system that ensures the integrity of the entire system.

How are Cryptocurrencies created?

In this part, we are not as concerned with the system of a cryptocurrency that gives rise to it, but to how new units of a particular cryptocurrency are created and put into circulation.

New units of a cryptocurrency are crated through a process called “mining”.  In any cryptocurrency network, you need computing power to validate transactions and to contribute to the peer-to-peer network that is the backbone of the cryptocurrency.  This takes a tremendous amount of computing power and energy.  In order to reward people for the use of their computing power, the investment in computers, and the power it takes to validate transactions – which is called mining – the miners are rewarded with new units of the cryptocurrency.

Once created, or purchased, or received from others, you have to have somewhere to store your cryptocurrency.  Wallets, or crypto wallets, are where you can store your cryptocurrency units. They are stored with two keys – a public key and a private key.  These keys, also known as addresses, are how you and others can receive, use, or send the units of the cryptocurrency.  Using the private key, you or the owner of the wallet can write in the public ledger, with the effect that the specific cryptocurrency is spent or sent.  With the public key, it is possible for others to send cryptocurrency to your wallet.

How are Cryptocurrencies Taxed in Canada?

Now that we have a rudimentary understanding of what cryptocurrencies are and how they are created, we can talk about how they are taxed in Canada.  To see how they are taxed, we should consider the ways that you can get a hold of a unit of a particular cryptocurrency.  So, how can you get a cryptocurrency? We know you can get it by (1) mining it, (2) having someone else mine it for you for a fee, (3) by purchasing it from someone else (like an online exchange) or selling it to someone else for Canadian currency, (4) by receiving it in exchange for goods and services you provide, or (5) by receiving it as a gift.  Another layer is what this unit of bitcoin is – is it an investment and as such capital property or is it an inventory item.

Canada has a well-established way of taxing various categories of income or profits, and we just need to figure out how these ways of getting cryptocurrency and the character of the unit of cryptocurrency line up with the taxation methods.  Ignoring employment income, the three categories of income or gain, we have to worry about (A) business income, (B) property income, and (C) capital gains or losses.  Before we get into the taxation of cryptocurrency specifically, let us consider how these three categories of increasing value are taxed in Canada generally.

First, we will look at business versus property sources of income.  Although they are treated the same mostly, and the “profit” from each of these sources is what it taxes, not the revenue, there are some important differences.  The details of the differences are well beyond the scope of this article, but they can be very important in specific circumstances.

The difference between a business source and a property source of income is not based on some clear-cut difference, but it comes from the consideration of various factors that consider the level of activity or effort involved in the creation of that particular income.  Canadian courts consider a business to be “anything which occupies the time and attention and labour of a man for the purpose of profit” and often is something that takes an organized effort. Property, on the other hand, is any kind of interest or right that a person can have in something else. As a result, property sources of income are those where you gain income from the mere possession of property, which is often considered to require much less effort and organization than a business would.  Next, we will consider the difference between capital gains and other gains/income.  A capital gain or loss comes from the disposition of a capital property and the difference between your cost in the property and the proceeds on disposition.  So the key factor to consider is whether the property, in this case, the cryptocurrency, is a capital property or some other property (like inventory).  The difference between capital and non-capital properties is also not clear-cut. The general distinction is that a capital property is the source of income – like a tree is the source of fruit – while non-capital properties are what you dispose of to gain income – like the fruit you sell as part of your farming business.  These differences are far from clear and are some of the most litigated issues in tax court.

Let us get back to Cryptocurrencies specifically and how they are taxed.  The obvious answer is that if you get the currency as part of business activity, then its business income and taxed as business income. If you get the cryptocurrency as part of gaining or producing income from property, then its property income and taxed as such. And if the cryptocurrency is capital property to you, then your disposition of it gives rise to either a capital gain or a capital loss.  If what you have is a business or property profit or loss, then the profit is fully included in your income, and the loss is deductible fully in the year or can be carried back three years or forward twenty years.  If you have a capital gain or loss, then you include half the gain in income or deduct half the loss against capital gains that year, or you can carry back the loss for three years or forward indefinitely (but you can only set it off against capital gains and not other income).  There is, therefore, the motivation to characterize increases in value as capital gains, so you only pay tax on half the amount, and characterize losses as business or property losses do you can deduct the entire loss against any source of income.  Unfortunately, unlike at Dairy Queen, you can’t have your cake and eat it too.

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) treats cryptocurrencies like a commodity for taxation purposes in most cases.  This means that the CRA generally treats any income or gain from any transaction, including gifts, involving cryptocurrencies as either business income or as a capital gain.  In deciding which approach to take, the CRA will consider the surrounding facts and circumstances and refer to the general tax principles we discussed earlier in the article.    The CRA gives this reciprocal treatment, meaning that if your gains or profits are taxed as business income or capital gains, then your losses will get the identical categorization in the same circumstances.

Let us consider each of the earlier common ways of getting or getting rid of cryptocurrency.  As a reminder, they are: (1) mining it, (2) having someone else mine it for you for a fee, (3) by purchasing it from someone else (like an online exchange) or selling it to someone else for Canadian currency, (4) by receiving it in exchange for goods and services you provide (or, on the other hand, handing it over as payment for goods or services you purchased), or (5) by receiving it as a gif (or you can give the crypto as a gift).

(1)    Where you mine cryptocurrencies, then what you get when you receive the cryptocurrency you mined is an inventory item.  The disposition of the inventory item, then, results in income from business, and your profits, if there are any, are taxed as business profits.

(2)    Where you have someone else mine cryptocurrencies for you for a fee, then the person providing you with the service has income, and you have income when you get the resulting cryptocurrency.  The person doing the mining may just be leasing you computer ‘space’, in which case they have income from property, or they may be doing all the mining activities for you, meaning that they have income from a business.  You, the person who has commissioned the mining, will be in the same position as if you had hired others or outsourced the work of mining, and you will still have income from a business.

(3)    Where you purchase the cryptocurrency from someone else, you have not undertaken any activity that is taxable. It would be the same thing as purchasing a business or a rental property, but not doing anything with it yet.  However, where you sell that cryptocurrency to someone else, then your income or gain are taxable depending on the character of the cryptocurrency in your hands.  If the currency is capital property to you, then the gain is a capital gain, and the loss is a capital loss. If the currency is not capital property to you, then the gain is business income, and the loss is a business loss.

(4)    Where you receive a cryptocurrency in payment for or in exchange for goods or services you provide, then the first question is whether the provision of the goods and services are a source of income for you. Whether or not the provision of goods and services is a source of income is complex, and we are going to assume for purposes of this article that they are part of your business activities.  This means that the cryptocurrency would be your payment for the goods and services you provide, and the value of the goods and services provided is going to be considered revenue to you as a payment of cash would.

The CRA treats use of cryptocurrency as a barter transaction and applies the barter transaction rules.  There are two ways for you to determine the value of the cryptocurrency you receive and, therefore, your revenue from the trade. The fist is to use the value of that currency on an exchange if that currency has an exchange.  The other is to use the usual fair market value of the goods and services you have provided – what you would have charged if you would have charged cash – as the value of the currency you have received.  Whatever method you chose, make sure it is consistent and reasonable.  Despite this, know that the CRA takes the highest fair market value of the two items exchanged to be the value to apply to the transaction, and it is up to you to show that you have a reasonable, consistent method of valuation that you have used so as to avoid the CRA coming in and putting a different value on your transactions.

Another important note is that where you are providing goods and services for cryptocurrency, and you meet the threshold for having to charge GST/HST on the value of the transaction, then you have to charge the GST/HST on the barter transaction as well.  You can not avoid GST/HST by using a cryptocurrency.

Not only are there tax consequences for the person who is providing the goods and services, but there are going to be tax consequences for the person using the cryptocurrency to make the purchase.  This is because the value of most cryptocurrencies is not stable, but rather fluctuates up and down daily.  Where you purchased a unit of a cryptocurrency at $100 and then used that unit to make a purchase, no matter what the cost of the purchase is when you dispose of the currency you have either a capital gain or loss (in most cases) depending on the then-current value of that unit. For example, if the value was $110 when you used the unit of cryptocurrency, then you have a capital gain of $10 that you have to report and pay tax on.

(5)    Where you receive cryptocurrency as a gift, then you are treated the same way as having received anything else of value as a gift.  The value of the gift, if not taxable to you, as the recipient.  However, the person giving the gift may have tax consequences where the gift is to a person who is not at arm’s length to the giver. Therefore, in some cases, the person giving the gift may have a capital gain or loss on the gifting of the cryptocurrency.  The same principles as the payment for goods and services in a barter transaction apply.  Where you bought the cryptocurrency at $100 but gave it as a gift to someone you don’t deal with at arm’s length at a time where the unit was worth $110, then you have a capital gain of $10 to report and pay tax on.

The above five are just some of the circumstances that involve cryptocurrencies and lead to tax consequences.  Other circumstances include that you can exchange one cryptocurrency for another (to which the barter rules apply), or you can receive cryptocurrencies as an inheritance.  As with anything tax-related, its best to get an expert on your side so that you can be sure you are meeting your self-reporting and self-assessing obligations under the Income Tax Act.

Common Types of Cryptocurrencies

There are currently over 1,800 cryptocurrency specifications in existence.  The most common cryptocurrencies in use are Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, and Bitcoin cash.  No matter what type of cryptocurrency you use, the same rules will apply when it comes to how transactions or exchanges using them are taxed.

Chartered Professional Accountant in Canada, U.S. and U.K.


“Sam handled a complex and urgent tax situation with professionalism, attention to detail, and speed. He quickly sorted out the situation with the CRA and made significant improvement to my overall tax situation. I recommend Sam and his team to anyone who needs fast, reliable tax help that you can trust. ”

Heather Krause

Pro Tip


The Small Business Deduction gives businesses a tax deduction on the first $500,000 of income. This saves an eligible corporation around up to $50,000 in income taxes. There are a number of conditions that have to be met to be eligible for this deduction.

Glass Gates
Glass Gates
Very good experience dealing with Sam Faris and his team. They helped me with a difficult time in my life by dealing with CRA audit. Throughout the process, they went above and beyond to provide detailed responses and analysis to the auditors. As a result, Sam and his team achieved the best results that I would have dreamt to have. Unlike what CRA proposed, Sam and his team were able to reduce taxes from 450k to 15k. Sam’s fee is very reasonable too considering the value that I received back. I highly recommend Sam Faris and his team.
Sam was absolutely amazing, I was in desperate need of urgent tax help with little time left and he managed to get everything done flawlessly in the last 2 weeks! He is incredibly thorough and honest in his work. Truly appreciate him! Thanks Sam!
Ellie B
Ellie B
I met with Sam seeking advice on how to approach a realestate transaction properly in order to prevent any future issues with CRA. Sam was very knowledgeable and helpful in guiding me in the right direction. He patiently answered all my questions and provided his expert advice. I am very happy to have come to him.He is very honest, and not just after making a profit from his clients, but to genuinely help them. Thank you Sam.
Khaled Darwish
Khaled Darwish
I was referred to Sam Faris by a business partner who had an excellent experience before. I found that Sam and his team are experts with CRA issues and resolved my issue on timely basis. More importantly his fee is very reasonable. Many thanks and I will definitely recommend the firm to others.
Vrej Nersesian
Vrej Nersesian
Mr Faris helped me to resolve a very complicated audit with CRA. He came up with a brilliant strategy to win my case against CRA. Thank you Sam for all your hard work and I will recommend everyone who has issues with the CRA to hire your firm.
Shiraz Tufenkji
Shiraz Tufenkji
Sam Faris is very pleasant to deal with. I was referred to him by a well known tax lawyer in the city. After dealing with Sam and knowing his expertise with CRA disputes, I decided to fire the tax lawyer as Sam did it all and achieved the best results. I ended up wasting 15k in legal fees when I could have saved it if I met Sam before.
Sam was great. He really helped me with my situation. Highly recommend him. When its time sensitive, he's the go to guy.
Dallas Young
Dallas Young
Sam Farris is an exceptional CPA who provided outstanding service when I needed tax preparation assistance.What sets Sam apart is his ability to clearly explain complex tax laws and financial strategies in easy-to-understand terms. He took the time to educate me on the implications of different options so I could make fully informed decisions. His proactive approach identified opportunities for tax savings that I hadn't even considered.Sam is extremely responsive, accessible and genuinely cares about his clients' best interests. He made me feel like a priority and was always available to answer any questions I had, no matter how minor. The peace of mind this provides is priceless.
Sean E
Sean E
Sam is a pleasure to work with. He is efficient and diligent. He is very skilled when it comes to CRA and taxes. Highly recommended.
Nicole Calnan
Nicole Calnan
Sam Faris is fast and reliable and on top of tax topics. I am looking forward to his knowledgeable and competent support.
Alex G
Alex G
Excellent work from Sam with a difficult tax issue I had. Would definitely recommend his services!
Shahbaz Mirza
Shahbaz Mirza
Thank you Sam for all your help. I dont know what i would do without your help and support regarding my tax matter.
Sam Faris helped me deal with a tricky situation with the CRA involving taxes paid in the USA. He seems pretty knowledgable of both Canada and USA tax laws and regulations. During the initial phone call, he proposed a plan to address the situation, and didn't over-promise. In the end, the resolution was much better than what was initially proposed. Communication was timely and reliable. I'd gladly use his services again in the future if the need arises.
Mesut Atalay
Mesut Atalay
Second to none firm once it comes to accounting and tax issues with the CRA. I have tried to work with three professionals including a tax lawyer before approaching Sam Faris. Unlike Sam, they never met their promises. Sam met every single promise he made. His performance exceeded expectations. Don’t waste your money and time and hire Sam. He is super efficient, and highly knowledgeable with tax problems and will protect you from CRA with the least cost possible.
can can
can can
Faris CPA is a firm with high business standards. The firm looked after my best interest and achieved the best results by minimizing taxes owing and provided a business structure to optimize taxes as much as possible. I am grateful for all the help the firm provided.
i can confidently say that Sam Faris is the best out there who can handle problems with the CRA. he helped me to resolve a complicated and massive audits with my companies and got me the best results. he did a perfect reorganization after and now feel i am well protected having him on board.
I approached Sam Faris as I had a complicated case with the CRA regarding my residency status. Sam has performed a detailed and in depth analysis and submitted his findings to the CRA. In conclusion, Sam was able to convince the CRA that I am not a resident and I did not have to file tax returns in Canada. Super happy with Sam service and of course with the outcome.
Essam Alftayh
Essam Alftayh
Sam Faris filed my many years of outstanding tax returns under the voluntary disclosure program. As a result, significant penalties were waived and more importantly the my many years of sleepless nights and living in fear are over now. Thank you Sam and I highly recommend him to family and friends.
D Schrager
D Schrager
Sam of Faris CPA is an expert with CRA issues. I have waisted significant amount of money by hiring other professionals who never delivered. Sam’s promises are solid and he never disappointed me. Sam’s work quality exceeds expectations. Many thanks Sam and I will absolutely recommend your service to family and friends.
Before hiring Faris CPA, I shopped around and I hired a CPA firm who offered significantly cheaper fee than Faris CPA. I must admit that this was a mistake. That firm promised the moon and they did not deliver. I learned by accident that the firm outsourced my file to a firm in India. I was very upset as I did not consent to have my returns done in India. I lost trust in the firm as the firm mislead me by making me believe that my file is being handled properly and efficiently by CPAs who are knowledgeable in Canadian taxes. I had to fire them immediately and hired Faris CPA. Sam Faris and his team dealt with my case efficiently and on timely basis. As a result, my many years of outstanding personal and corporate tax returns have been filed as promised. The taxes that I ended up owing are way less than what I expected. Sam Faris and his team performed a good tax planning strategy which saved me taxes. Faris CPA fee is very reasonable considering the quality of work that has been delivered and the tax saving that was achieved.Don’t hire a firm who provides cheaper fee as you will end up paying twice. In my situation, I ended up paying to a firm who outsourced my file to India and I came back and hired Faris to complete the job properly. Save your money, time and emotions and hire Faris CPA and they will get the job done to your satisfaction.
Kate Miller
Kate Miller
Thanks Sam for your help with our CRA issues. You were very easy to contact and deal with and did what was needed very quickly. Thanks so much.
It was my pleasure to work with Sam Faris closely to resolve my tax issue with the CRA. Sam was efficient and resolved it to my satisfaction. Unlike other professionals that I dealt with regarding the same tax matter, whatever he promised, he delivered with the least time and with a reasonable fee. Thanks Sam for all your help.
Lisa Lisa
Lisa Lisa
I highly recommend Sam--he is a true expert--knowledgeable and professional. He is highly skilled, quick to respond, and an expert at any CRA matter. I honestly don't know where I would be without having hired him. Five stars for sure.
Rob Miller
Rob Miller
Sam responded very quickly to my request for his assistance with my CRA submission. We spoke by zoom. He then processed the paperwork and has submitted it straight away. I would thoroughly recommend Sam to people anywhere in Canada who needs timely and efficient help with their tax issue.
Rasha Makhoul
Rasha Makhoul
Faris CPA helped me to navigate a very difficult tax matter. I would recommend the firm to anyone who needs tax experts with high business standards.
Sam is a kind man and gave me honest advice! Was very easy to get a consultation as well!
Luba A
Luba A
Very impressive. I wish I met Sam many years back. He would have saved us money and saved our time from dealing with professionals who promised the moon but never delivered. Thanks Sam for all your help. You deserve every dollar you charged us.
Lila Saba
Lila Saba
Highly recommend Mr. Faris for any problem with the CRA. He is efficient and creative and has his own strategies to get favorable results. Thanks Sam for alll your help.
Shadi Hakawaty
Shadi Hakawaty
I was referred to Mr Faris by a friend of mine who happened to be his client for more than 10 years .I was struggling with the CRA regarding HST audit .CRA claimed that I owe significant amount of hst .Mr Faris was able to preform a detailed analysis which is backed up with previous court cases .as a result mr FARIS was able to convince CRA that the property was not subject to hst and the case was closed with zero hst owing.Thank you mr FARIS for all your hard work 🙏
Rosa hanna
Rosa hanna
Sam Faris helped me and helped my family to deal with a very complex audit with the CRA. His performance exceeded expectations and his fee is reasonable.
Kevin Eatz
Kevin Eatz
Was very professional and fast with helping me file taxes that I have missed over the years. Highly recommend :)
Ria Frith
Ria Frith
Excellent service! Sam helped make a stressful, complicated situation much easier to deal with, showing great patience and compassion. I'm very grateful.
farshid tayyeb
farshid tayyeb
Sam and his team helped me with filing my complicated corporate tax. He is very informative, and knowledgable and most importantly always available to answer your questions and concerns. He is very detailed and spent a lot of time preparing my tax file and fixing my previous accountant’s mistakes. I should also mention that his fee was very fair. Thank you so much Sam!
Vero Land
Vero Land
Had a meeting with Sam regarding my tax matter with the CRA. Sam was informative and provided an excellent advice to handle the situation.
David Kline
David Kline
CRA audited me based on net worth audit. This audit lasted almost 2 years. I suffered emotionally and financially as a result. Bringing Sam and his team into the picture was the best decision that I have ever made. Sam followed a very unique strategy which led to dropping the taxes to my satisfaction. Thanks Sam for all your hard work.
Tomer Pitel
Tomer Pitel
I wish I met Sam of Faris CPA many years ago. He would have saved me lots of money and kept me out of troubles with the CRA. His performance exceeded expectations. 10 stars
Madison Wortman
Madison Wortman
Sam is the man to handle any CRA dispute. Very happy with his services and the results that he achieved for me.
Gwen Meador
Gwen Meador
Sam Faris helped me with the HST audit which involved building a new houses. CRA proposed to assess the houses that I built higher than it should be. Sam approach was convincing and knock down the assessment significantly. Thanks to Sam that I did not have to file objection and the issue was settled at the audit stage with the least cost.
Rafa Vargas
Rafa Vargas
Hire Sam if you have any tax issue with the CRA. He is highly reliable and trust worthy and will absolutely look after your best interest. Mark my word on this as this is based on my recent experience having Sam dealing with my issue with the CRA.
Joseph Qassis
Joseph Qassis
Extremely helpful and high work ethics. Thank you for all your help Sam for solving my tax issues.
NewLeaf Dental
NewLeaf Dental
I was referred to Sam Faris by a tax lawyer in the city. Sam helped me with a very complicated tax audit by the CRA. Results exceeded expectations and now I can focused more in my business as Sam is defending me with the CRA problems.
John S
John S
Best CPA and tax expert in the country. Sam helped me with a very complicated tax problem which involved voluntary disclosure. CRA accepted Sam argument and submission without a single question asked. He saved me the penalties and interest. Highly recommend Sam and his team.
Loris Layus
Loris Layus
Very happy with Sam services. Sam helped me to resolve a complex tax audit by CRA. Results exceeded expectations and highly recommend Sam and his team.
Angela Simpson
Angela Simpson
Great experience, very informative, and knowledgable!
Sam Faris helped us with a serious matter with CRA. He is extremely knowledgeable, efficient and more importantly has very high work standards. I would highly recommend Sam to anyone who is facing an issue with CRA.
Sam helped me with a very difficult tax issue which involved voluntary disclosure. He submitted a perfect package where CRA did not bother to ask any question. My package was approved from the first time with no issue at all. I must admit that after shopping around, Sam’s fee was the most reasonable fee among all the professionals including 2 tax law firms. Thank you Sam for all your hard work.
Soysal Realty
Soysal Realty
A trusted tax firm who handled my complicated tax problems perfectly with the least cost. Sam and his team exceeded expectation. Highly recommend.
Waseem Khoury
Waseem Khoury
Luckily I was referred to Sam and his team by a friend of mine. After wasting time and money with a tax lawyer, finding Sam was a big relief. He was able to resolve my tax issue with CRA on timely basis and with the least cost. Many thanks Sam.
maria martins
maria martins
Super professional with high work and ethics standards. Highly recommend Sam and his team. Thanks for the hard work.
Seth Woodard
Seth Woodard
Sam was super helpful and responsive, extremely fast, and very easy to work with. Would recommend to anyone. Thanks Sam!
Without doubts, the team at Faris CPA is the best out there to dispute CRA decisions. They are focused on details and are second to none. Their fee is fair and more importantly, they are honest, reliable and meeting their promises. Don't bother to hire other professionals and of course no need for tax lawyers who charge you excessive legal fees. Hire Sam and his team and they can get the job perfectly done and on a timely basis with the least cost. Very grateful to Sam for all the hard work on my file. I am lucky to know you and because of you, I have no concerns whatsoever if CRA tries to attack me and attack my business in the future.Thank you Sam.Maria Fuda,Litewave Communications
Paulina R
Paulina R
Very helpful and super efficient. Sam is an expert with tax problems and will help you in every aspect with the least cost. Thank you so much for all your hard work!!
jonathan sousa
jonathan sousa
Sam is a wealth of knowledge. I would highly recommend his services to friends and family.
Scott Dalziel
Scott Dalziel
Sam and Edward were extremely helpful and very timely in providing their services! They provided great service at a very reasonable price.
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