CRA Tax Dispute Resolution in Toronto
When facing a tax dispute, you don’t need a tax lawyer. At Faris CPA, we’ve been assisting with tax disputes and saving taxpayers unnecessary legal fees for over a decade.
We help individuals and businesses understand what it means to receive a tax assessment and the necessary steps to resolving any disputes with the Canadian Revenue Agency.
Learn the right way to dispute a tax assessment with the help of our licensed and experienced CPA firm.

Tax Dispute Experts in Toronto
As one of the best tax accountants in Toronto we specialize in helping individuals and organizations in Toronto settle their tax disputes with ease and efficiency.
When it comes to understanding your tax assessment, our experienced CPAs provide the knowledge and insight to help you navigate the details and nuances of the CRA’s findings. We help you facilitate your tax dispute and find the resolution you’re entitled to.
We work with individuals and a wide range of businesses, including retail, construction, importing and distribution, and non-profit organizations. We understand the latest market trends and will always apply the leading professional standards to every service we offer.
Resolve Your CRA Tax Dispute with Confidence
Contact Our Experts for Guidance!

CRA Tax Disputes
How to Prepare
When it comes to preparing to dispute a tax assessment, ensuring all your documentation is in order is essential. With this information on hand, a professional CPA can proceed with the disputing process and ensure any errors from the auditor are rectified.
Finding a CPA you can trust is the next step. Your CPA should have ample experience dealing with the CRA and addressing a wide selection of accounting needs. If you believe an auditor has misrepresented your returns, your CPA must be able to walk you through the entire dispute process, ensuring you understand the details of your tax assessment and the appropriate next steps.
The Process of a Tax Dispute Resolution
If you suspect an error in your assessment, there are steps that can be taken to dispute claims made by the CRA.
The process of a tax dispute resolution begins by filling out the appropriate forms to submit to the agency. Tax disputes can be submitted online using the File a formal dispute form or by mail using form T400A, Notice of Objection – Income Tax Act. There is a selection of information that must be noted in these forms, including current dates and the details of your assessment dispute.
During this process, your CPA will help you organize the details of your dispute and ensure you have all the relevant information to achieve your desired resolution.
Find a Tax Dispute Lawyer in Canada
At Faris CPA, we understand the details and complexities involved in our federal tax system and can help individuals and businesses dispute their tax assessments and achieve their desired resolution. Using a combination of in-house experts and strategic partners, we offer a selection of premium accounting services to help you financially succeed.
Schedule an assesment now

Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) in Canada, U.S. and U.K.

Hire an Experienced CPA to Resolve Your Tax Dispute
Faris CPA is proud to be a leading accounting firm in Toronto with over 15 years of industry experience.
Whether you’re facing a personal or corporate tax audit, we provide the knowledge and resources you need to resolve your tax dispute and assessment with the CRA. We help our clients navigate the complexities and nuances of their tax situation to find a resolution that ensures their financial security.
Trust our team to resolve your tax dispute fairly and efficiently.
What is a tax dispute?
A tax dispute is a form filed by an individual or organization when there is a disagreement with the amount of tax the CRA has outlined must be paid in their notice of assessment.
In a notice of assessment — or NOA — taxpayers are given a breakdown of the money owed to the federal government based on the returns filed that year. If the taxpayer believes there is a discrepancy or error in their NOA, they can fill out the necessary forms to achieve a tax dispute resolution.
What are the types of tax disputes?
There are three prominent types of disputes to be mindful of when seeking a tax dispute resolution:
Tax Audit
In certain cases, before an NOA is sent, the CRA may notify you of a pending tax audit. Audits are typically the result of missing information on your filed tax return and will either focus on specific issues or you’ll be issued a full-scale personal or professional audit.
Notice of Reassessment
After you’ve submitted your return, the CRA may decide they disagree with the information provided and issue a Notice of Reassessment. Taxpayers have up to 90 days after the date listed on the reassessment to file a notice of objection and challenge the CRA’s decision.
Tax Litigation
Litigation occurs in front of the Tax Court of Canada, a specialized court designed to hear various tax disputes. To appear before the court, a Notice of Appeal must be filed with attached documentation to support your claim.
How do I dispute my tax assessment?
If you believe there is a discrepancy in your NOA, you can begin the process of a tax dispute with the CRA. While this can be done individually, a licensed CPA is often the most effective and efficient partner to achieve your desired results.
A CPA has the experience and insight to ensure that you include all necessary dates and details in your dispute form and will comb through your assessment to identify any errors made by the auditor. They will guide you through the entire process, whether you’re submitting your claim online using the File a formal dispute form or by mail using form T400A, Notice of Objection – Income Tax Act.
How much does it cost to dispute a tax audit?
The cost of working with a professional CPA to dispute your current tax assessment can vary, depending on the scope of services required.
At Faris CPA, we believe in fair and transparent prices. We’ll meet with you to determine your accounting or audit-related needs and ensure we provide a comprehensive breakdown of our services.
How can Faris CPA help dispute my tax assessment or return?
At Faris CPA, we specialize in high-quality accounting solutions, including tax disputes and resolutions in Toronto.
We work with individuals and organizations across a wide range of industries to provide the necessary steps for tax dispute resolution. If your auditor has made errors in their reporting, our CPAs will address and rectify those errors and ensure you reach your desired financial outcome.
Using a combination of in-house experts, contractors, and other industry professionals, including lawyers, consultants, and insurance agents, we deliver innovative solutions that contribute to our clients’ successes.
Contact us today to learn more about our services.