Accounting in the professional service industry covers many areas. These areas include audit, advisory, management consulting, financial and management accounting and taxation services. This diversity makes hiring a chartered accountant in Toronto who can help you more efficiently manage the financial aspect of your business crucial to your success.
Our Professional Services Tax Accounting Services include:
- Managing day-to-day financial transaction recording compliant with the law;
- Managing tax preparation, payroll tax withholdings, and financial reports;
- Overseeing all aspects of payroll;
- Planning for changes in business need to ensure that additional costs do not cause financial hardship;
- Advising on managing financial growth by providing financial reports and insights on opportunities; and
- Helping protect your business from audits or working through the audit process.
Case Study
A new client had a difficult CRA audit that disallowed an HST refund valued at almost one million dollars. The CRA audit revealed that his previous accountant had made significant errors which resulted in the disallowing of the HST refund valued at $850,000 (approximately).
He was referred to our firm by another client of ours.
We performed an intensive review of the proposal letter from the CRA along with the income tax act. We were convinced that the case would be won if the records were corrected and a new argument was submitted as a replace to the proposal letter from the CRA.
The CRA auditor denied the response. Our firm filed a Notice of Objection to the CRA.
The Notice of Objection was successful, and our client was able to recover, not only the original refund, but there were additional amounts that the previous accounted had missed that were awarded to our client as well.